Saturday, May 2, 2009

Some tips to keep your hair hail and healthy

-> You can use coconut milk by applying from your scalp to tips of your hair. Then rinse it thoroughly with shampoo and then use conditioner if needed. Actually the coconut milk will be very watery but we can keep it in fridge uncovered for one night.

-> Apply egg white from the scalp to the tip, this reduces dandruff.

-> Avoid using unhealthy shampoos and conditioners.

-> Use coconut oil at least thrice a week and take head bath next day.

-> Use olive oil or sesame oil to have strong hair.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code is actually a book written by Dan Brown, who is a former English Teacher and started writing from 1996. The same story was taken as a film and was released on May 19th of 2006. The story revolves around Symbologist Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu. Mr.Brown has actually criticized the Church for burning witches and many other disasters and has said there were documents proving these. In the story he has mentioned about groups named the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei who battled over the possibility of Jesus Christ having been married to and fathering a child with Mary Magdalene and they had a daughter name Sarah. Mr.Brown had mentioned that The Holy Grail is really Mary Magdalene.
The Last Supper picture painted by Leonardo Da Vinci depicts Jesus and Mary Magdalene on Jesus right side and they form the shape V ( this depicts the symbol for Sacred feminine).

The fact is not really known as to prove Dan Brown's words and but as a story it was very interesting and good work. Brown's another book named Angels and Demons is about anti-matter which may also sound not possible. If possible please read these books.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Greek God and Goddesses

Im always interested to know about ancient culture, tradition, Gods and Goddesses. So i thought may be i could know about the Greek Gods and Goddesses.
In Greece there are many Gods and Goddesses, each God or Goddess have the power of their own to control love, lust,war, music,wisdom and many other things. Below are the OLYMPIAN DEITIES:


Goddess of love, lust, beauty, wife of Hephaestus. Ares is her lover. Eros is her son. Known as the most beautiful of the Greek goddesses. Her symbols are the scepter, myrtle, and dove.

God of music, prophecies, poetry, and archery. Also said to be the god of light and truth. Is associated with the sun. Also referred to as the most beautiful of the gods. He is Artemis's twin brother, and son of Zeus. His symbols are the bow, lyre, and laurel.


God of war, murder and bloodshed. Brother to Athena, and is the son of Zeus. Has an affair with Aphrodite. His symbols are vultures, dogs, boars, and a spear.


Goddess of the hunt and wild things, and the moon. Protector of the dewy young. She became associated with the moon. Apollo is her twin brother. Artemis is a virgin goddess. Her symbols are the bow, dogs, and deer.


Goddess of wisdom, warfare, handicrafts and reason. Sister of Ares, and is the daughter of Zeus. Sprung from Zeus's head in full body armor. She is the wisest of the gods. Her symbols are the aegis, owl, and olive tree.


Goddess of fertility, grain and harvest. Demeter is a daughter of Cronus and Rhea and sister of Zeus. Her symbols are the scepter, torch, and corn.


God of wine, parties/festivals, madness and merriment. He represents not only the intoxicating power of wine, but also its social and beneficial influences. His symbols are the grape vine, ivy, and thyrsus.


God of the underworld. Brother of Poseidon, Zeus and Hera, and consort to Persephone. His symbols are the bident, the Helm of Darkness, and the three-headed dog, Cerberus.


God of fire and the forge (god of fire and smiths) with very weak legs. He was thrown off Mount Olympus as a baby by his mother and in some stories his father. He makes armor for the gods and other heroes like Achilles. Son of Hera and Zeus is his father in some accounts. Married to Aphrodite, but she does not love him because he is deformed and, as a result, is cheating on him with Ares. He had a daughter named Pandora. His symbols are an axe, a hammer and a flame.


Goddess of marriage, women, and childbirth. Zeus' wife and sister. Appears with peacock feathers often. Her symbols are the scepter, diadem, and peacock.


God of flight, thieves, commerce, and travelers. Messenger of the gods. He showed the way for the dead souls to Hades's realm. He shows up in more myths than any other god or goddess. Likes to trick people and is very inventive. Hermes invented the lyre using a turtle shell and sinew. His symbols are the caduceus and winged boots.


Goddess of the hearth and home, the focal point of every household. Daughter of Rhea and Cronus. Gave up her seat as one of the Twelve Olympians to tend to the sacred flame on Mount Olympus for Dionysus. Her symbol is the hearth.


God of the sea. He created horses from sea foam. God of earthquakes as well. Also called 'Earth Shaker' and 'Storm Bringer'. His symbols are horses, sea foam, dolphins, and a trident.


The king of the gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky and thunder. His symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak.

There are other Deities such as Primordial Deities and then Titans, Hecatoncheires, Cyclopes, Nymphs, Giants and many other Deities. To know more visit this site :

Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda triangle is actually situated in northwestern Atlantic Ocean, what draws my attention towards this particular region of triangle is that, the airplanes, the ships that travel near this region or into that region always seems to disappear and till now nobody knows the actual reason. Some say its due to the excess amount of gravitational force in that particular region, some believe that there are extra-terrestrials in that place. Scientists have claimed that there is no natural disasters. What could be the real reason ? and who is going to unravel the mystery? The thought about this mystery has been running in my mind since my 5 th grade :), if anyone knows the answers , let me know :).

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I love chocolates from my childhood and im crazy about it, so i just thought i should know how these chocolates are made and thought of sharing this with everyone

Chocolate is made from the cocoa bean, found in pods, growing from the trunk and lower branches of the Cacao Tree, Latin name 'Theobroma Cacao' meaning "food of the gods".


Producing chocolate is a time consuming and complicated process, but here is a simplified guide which i hope you will find easy to understand:

-The first step is the harvesting of the cocoa pods containing the cocoa beans.

-The Pods are crushed and the beans and surrounding pulp extracted and fermented naturally for about six days in either open heaps or boxes after which the beans are dried.

-The finest chocolate is produced when the drying process is done naturally by the sun for 7 days or more.

-Accelerated or artificial drying is quicker, but produces inferior quality chocolate, mainly used in mass produced products and cake coverings.

-The next process is shared with coffee in that the beans are first graded, then roasted. Roasting times depend on the type and size of the beans, like coffee this can also affect the final flavour of the chocolate.

-Light Crushing separates the kernel or 'Nib' from the shell or husk (like shelling a nut), the husk is then separated or 'winnowed' out and discarded.

-At this stage most manufacturers put the Cocoa Nibs through an alkalisation process to help develop flavour and colour. However, some purists producing the finest chocolate prefer to rely on the quality of the beans and natural processing to produce the best colour and flavour.

-The nibs, which are very high in fat or cocoa butter, are then finely milled and liquefy in the heat produced by the milling process to produce cocoa liquor. When cocoa liquor, otherwise known as cocoa mass, is allowed to cool and solidify.

-At this point the manufacturing process splits according to the final product. If the end product is chocolate, some of the cocoa liquor is reserved, the rest is pressed to extract the cocoa butter leaving a solid residue called press cake. Press cake is usually kibbled or finely ground to produce the product known to consumers as Cocoa Powder.

The retained Cocoa Liquor and/or solid Cocoa Mass is blended with Chocolate Butter and other ingredients to produce the various types of chocolate as follows:


Cocoa Liquor or Cocoa Mass is blended back with cocoa butter in varying quantities to make different types of chocolate. The finest plain or dark chocolate should contain 70% Cocoa or more, whereas the best Milk Chocolate contains 30% or more Cocoa and the best White Chocolate contains 30% or more Cocoa Butter. In addition most chocolate contains a sweetener, usually sugar, this is because without some kind of sweetener, chocolate would be so bitter as to be virtually inedible. The other most commonly added ingredients are natural Vanilla for flavour (artificial Vanilla or 'Vanillin' is often added to mass produced chocolate because it's cheaper), and Lethicin (usually made from Soya) as an emulsifier.

Plain Dark Chocolate contains:

-70%+ Cocoa solids (cocoa mass and cocoa butter), 29% sugar, vegetable Lethicin and Vanilla.

Milk Chocolate contains:

-40% Cocoa Solids (cocoa butter and cocoa mass), 37% sugar, 20% whole milk powder, Lactose, vegetable Lethicin and Vanilla.

White Chocolate contains:

-49% sugar, 33% cocoa butter, 18% whole dried milk and whey powder, vegetable Lethicin and Vanilla.

Different manufacturers use different variations of the above formulas.
Inferior and/or mass produced chocolate generally contains much less cocoa solids, (as low as 7% in some cases), with most or all of the chocolate butter replaced by vegetable oil or other fat. In fact, the low or virtually non-existent cocoa content of these "Brand Name" and other chocolate products means that strictly speaking, they should not really be classed as chocolate at all, as they are really chocolate flavoured sweets.


The blended Chocolate then goes through a refining process involving heavy rollers, this grinds down and blends the particles to smooth and improve the texture.

Mostly, but not always, this is followed by the penultimate process called “conching”, a conch is a type of container in which the refined and blended chocolate mass is continually kneaded and further smoothed, the fractional heat produced by this process keeps the chocolate liquid. The length of time given to the conching process determines the final smoothness and quality of chocolate. The finest chocolate is conched for a minimum of a week. After the process is completed the chocolate is stored in heated tanks at about 46°c (115°f), ready for the final process called Tempering.


Because cocoa butter exhibits a or unstable (polymorphous) crystal structure, the chocolate must go through a very precise cycle of heating and cooling to encourage the stable crystal formation needed to produce the desirable properties for good tasty chocolate. This final process is called Tempering.

This is the method we use, first, we melt the chocolate at about 46°c (115°f), the chocolate is then cooled to between 29°c (84°f) and 31°c (88°f) and warmed up again to between 30°c (86°f) and 32°c (90°f), it can then be held 'in temper' at this temperature for use as required.

The chocolate is now ready for use as coverture, for coating chocolates, chocolate biscuits and other coated products, or poured into moulds and cooled for sale as the finished product such as solid chocolate bars. But every time it is allowed to harden and is re-melted it will have to be re-tempered again.

Well tempered chocolate has a good shiny gloss, a snappy or brittle bite and a smooth tender melt on the tongue, coating the palate with long lasting flavour and generally tasting wonderful.

Yummy!!! I wish I worked in a chocolate factory so that Icould make chocolates on my own and have them. Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! I have tasted American, Swiz chocolates but nothing can beat our Indian chocolates like Dairy Milk, Five Star, Kit-Kat, Temptations and many more...

My favorite comic strips...


Hagar the Horrible is one my favorite cartoon and i like all the characters involved in this cartoon.. Created in 1973 by Dik Browne, and now in the hands of his son Chris, Hagar the Horrible is published in more than 1900 newpapers in 58 countries(13 different countries).


Dennis the menace, the five-year-old storehouse of mischief was created in 1951 and his creator Hank Ketcham has assured worried fans that Dennis will never show the passage of time, he will always remain five years old.The title ‘Dennis the menace’ was coined by Ketcham’s wife in a moment of utter despair.I love the way Dennis torments his neighbour Mr.Wilson.


Calvin and Hobbes is a comic strip written and illustrated by Bill Watterson, following the humorous antics of Calvin, an imaginative six-year old boy, and Hobbes, his energetic and sardonic-albeit stuffed- tiger. The pair are named after John Calvin, a 16th-century French Reformation theologian, and Thomas Hobbes, a 17th-century English political philosopher.


Garfield is a daily-syndicated comic strip created by Jim Davis. Published since June 19, 1978, it chronicles the life of the title character, the cat Garfield (named for Davis' grandfather); his owner, Jon Arbuckle; and the dog, Odie. As of 2007, it is syndicated in roughly 2,580 newspapers and journals and currently holds the Guinness World Record for being the world's most widely syndicated comic strip.


Dilbert (first published April 16, 1989) is an American comic strip written and drawn by Scott Adams. Dilbert is known for its satirical office humor about a white-collar, micromanaged office featuring the engineer Dilbert as the title character.Adams has also received the National Cartoonist Society Reuben Award and Newspaper Comic Strip Award in 1997 for his work on the strip. Dilbert appears in 2000 newspapers worldwide in 65 countries and 25 languages.


Rose Is Rose is a syndicated comic strip, written by Pat Brady since its creation in 1984, and drawn since March 2004 by Don Wimmer. The strip revolves around Rose and Jimbo Gumbo, their son Pasquale.Rose is Rose is unusual, especially in modern comic strips, in that it has a generally positive and cheerful outlook on lifeRose and sometimes Jimbo are drawn as little children to emphasize "inner child" experiences.

There are many more comic strips that i enjoy reading like Peanuts, Tiger, Croc and the list goes on.....

Friday, March 6, 2009

Chinese Dance

This Chinese dance was performed by Chinese girls and they are deaf. They must have put in enormous amount of effort to bring out this marvelous presentation. We must learn from them that hard work never fails.

Best basket ball shots...

I like to play basket ball but i have never played enough of it, and here is a video that shows some good shots , enjoy it....

Little about me...

Hi friends... Im Vishnupriya... , I created this blog to share all the things that come to my mind like some incidents that made me ponder, some of my favorite things and some happy moments and many other, hope you have nice time reading my blog...